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Novella, BBD, Ashlyn.png

Blinded by Desire: When Your bodyguard needs to be EXTRA!

Elizabeth Fairchild is the secret daughter of the U. S. president. She's beautiful, stubbornly independent and blind! To allow her to attend college in Switzerland, POTUS send agent Max Wagner with her. She thinks shifter Max is her seeing-eye-dog. He thinks this assignment could make or break his career. This asset will be difficult to protect, especially when it comes to protecting her from his own desire.

Wonder B*tch: Can a witch with superpowers and PMS complete a frustrating mission without losing her sh*t?

Can 7 witches with superpowers, expertise in weaponry, and PMS complete a frustrating mission without causing a clusterf*ck of epic proportions? Seven witches, all with PMS have to rescue 8 male models kidnapped from a romance convention…but they have to do it without guns, swords, lasers, throwing stars, or any other weapon they could abuse--including magic.

Joell of the League of Amazing Witches, gets a desperate call for the League’s help. Clients contact the L.A.W. when they need to 'go outside the law.' She reminds their contact that the women are unable to work right now since they have to lock up their weapons when it’s—ahem—that time of the month. Unfortunately, the victims are male models kidnapped from a romance convention! Since all the members of the League write sizzling romance novels in their spare time and can’t resist a pretty face on a hunky body, she agrees.

But who’s the hero in all of this? The models’ agent, willing to pay big bucks to get them back? The undercover cop, hired to work with them since he can pass for a model and be trusted with weapons? Or will it be someone else? Someone with superpowers of his own?

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Laura's Upcycled Life

Laura McAuliff's last relationship ended badly... So badly her ex-boyfriend, a criminal lawyer gave her 50 grand to vanish, before his assassin-client made her disappear forever!
Hiding out in a tiny house behind a friend's barn in Maine, she upcycles furniture into one-of-a-kind treasures for profit. She spots some Mad Men furniture, but another flipper claims it at the same time. At an impasse, they reluctantly split the set.
Trace Dixon is more than he seems. He's an ex-military bad-ass, and when he learns why she's hiding he's determined to protect her. He wants her to testify and be free to recycle her life.

For my young adult books, search E. B. Lorow on your favorite book selling site. â€‹


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